Research Paper

Search for Dark Photon in e+eAA Using Future Collider Experiments

Kihong Park1,2, Kyungho Kim2, Alexei Sytov2,3, Kihyeon Cho1,2,
Author Information & Copyright
1University of Science and Technology, Daejeon 34113, Korea
2Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information, Daejeon 34141, Korea
3INFN Ferrara Division, Ferrara 44122, Italy
Corresponding Author : Tel: +82-42-869-0722, E-mail:

© Copyright 2023 The Korean Space Science Society. This is an Open-Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License ( which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Received: Oct 17, 2023; Revised: Nov 01, 2023; Accepted: Nov 19, 2023

Published Online: Dec 31, 2023


The Standard Model (SM) does not provide an information for 26% of dark matter of the universe. In the dark sector, dark matter is supposed to be linked with the hypothetical particles called dark photons that have similar role to photons in electromagnetic interaction in the SM. Besides astronomical observation, there are studies to find dark matter candidates using accelerators. In this paper, we searched for dark photons using future electron-positron colliders, including Circular Electron Positron Collider (CEPC)/CEPC, Future Circular Collider (FCC-ee)/Innovative Detector for Electron-positron Accelerator (IDEA), and International Linear Collider (ILC)/International Large Detector (ILD). Using the parameterized response of the detector simulation of Delphes, we studied the sensitivity of a double dark photon mode at each accelerator/detector. The signal mode is double dark photon decay channel, e+eAA’, where A’ (dark photon with spin 1) decaying into a muon pair. We used MadGraph5 to generate Monte Carlo (MC) events by means of a Simplified Model. We found the dark photon mass at which the cross-sections were the highest for each accelerator to obtain the maximum number of events. In this paper we show the expected number of dark photon signal events and the detector efficiency of each accelerator. The results of this study can facilitate in the dark photon search by future electron-positron accelerators.

Keywords: astroparticle physics; dark matter; dark photon; accelerator; MadGraph5; Delphes


1.1 Dark Matter Search

Astronomical studies have shown that the materials originated from the Standard Model (SM) accounts for only 4% of the components of the universe (Cho 2016; Yeo & Cho 2018). Though the SM of particle physics agrees well with experimental results, the SM does not provide an information for dark matter, which is the dominant matter component (26%) of the universe (Cho 2016; Yeo & Cho 2018). Because dark matter only interacts gravitationally with SM particles, it is difficult to detect it directly. Dark matter is known to play an important role in the evolution of the universe in constructing cosmic structures including stars, galaxies, and galaxy clusters. Furthermore, the presence of dark matter suggests the existence of the “beyond the SM” (BSM). Therefore, identifying dark matter is an important issue in modern particle physics and cosmology.

Dark matter has not been directly detected to date because its interaction with ordinary matter is very weak. Nevertheless, three types of experimental methods have been actively conducted to search for dark matter (Cho 2017; Yeo & Cho 2018). One is a direct search method used to study the signals generated by dark matter colliding with the SM particles. Another experiment is an indirect search method that observes excess gamma rays produced by the pair annihilation of dark matter in the center of the galaxy, where abundant dark matter is distributed. Finally, there is an accelerator search method that uses accelerators to study the signals of dark matter or dark photons produced from the SM particles (Ilten et al. 2016; Aaij et al. 2018; He et al. 2018; Hearty 2022; San et al. 2022).

In this paper, we studied dark photons. Dark photons are hypothetical particles that have similar role to photons in electromagnetic interaction but have been proposed as force carriers with a potential link to dark matter (Park et al. 2021a). We have done simulation studies with a parametrized response of the detector simulation of Delphes. We presented the expected number of signal events in each experiment with the detector efficiency. We studied double dark photon decay modes using future electron-positron accelerators such as Circular Electron Positron Collider (CEPC)/CEPC, Future Circular Collider (FCC-ee)/Innovative Detector for Electron-positron Accelerator (IDEA), and International Linear Collider (ILC)/International Large Detector (ILD).

1.2 Dark Matter Search Using Electron-Positron Colliders

There are two types of accelerator-based experiments. One is based on the hadron accelerator, including the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), which exploits a proton-proton collision. The other is the lepton accelerator which uses an electron-positron collision. Fig. 1 compares the Feynman diagram of the Simplified Model for a hadron accelerator and a lepton accelerator. These two accelerators play a complementary role in the exploration of dark matter. However, electron-positron accelerator provides several favorable research environments (Yeo & Cho 2018). It has the advantage of exploring light dark matter, which has a mass range of a few MeV–GeV. In addition, it provides clean signal events and low background events compared with the hadron accelerator. As future electron-positron accelerators, there are CEPC, FCC-ee, and ILC. We study for dark sector using these electron-positron colliders. Table 1 shows parameters of electron-positron accelerators with detectors (Particle Data Group et al. 2020).

Fig. 1. The comparison of Feynman diagram of the simplified model at hadron and lepton collisions.
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Table 1. Parameters of electron-positron accelerators/detectors
Accelerator/detector Type s [GeV] Circumference or length [km]
CEPC/CEPC Circular 91 (e+: 45.5, e: 45.5) 100
160 (e+: 80, e: 80)
240 (e+: 120, e: 120)
FCC-ee/IDEA Circular 91 (e+: 45.5, e: 45.5) 97.75
160 (e+: 80, e: 80)
250 (e+: 125, e: 125)
350 (e+: 175, e: 175)
ILC/ILD Linear 250 (e+: 125, e: 125) 20.5
500 (e+: 250, e: 250) 31
1,000 (e+: 500, e: 500) 40

Adapted from Particle Data Group et al. (2020) with permission of the Oxford University Press.

CEPC, Circular Electron Positron Collider; FCC-ee, Future Circular Collider; IDEA, Innovative Detector for Electron-positron Accelerator; ILC, International Linear Collider; ILD, International Large Detector.

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2.1 Dark Photon Modes

Because the SM cannot account for dark matter, theoretical physicists assume that there is a dark sector containing dark matter (Shuve & Yavin 2014). We also assume that there are mediator particles between the SM and dark sector. In this paper, we consider a dark photon as a mediator particle. According to theory (Shuve & Yavin 2014), dark photons can only couple to muons. Based on this theory, we studied a double dark photon mode with future electron-positron accelerators. The signal mode is e+eAA′ where each A′ (dark photon with spin 1) decays into dimuon. That is, the final state particles are four muons for the decay mode of e+eAA′. Fig. 2 shows a dominant Feynman diagram of the double dark photon mode. gl11v is the coupling between the electron and dark photon. gl22v is the coupling between the muon and dark photon. Table 2 summarizes the coupling constants.

Fig. 2. Dominant Feynman diagrams of double dark photon mode.
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Table 2. The summary of coupling constants
Paper MadGraph5 Value Description
g l 11 v gvl11 0.1 Electron-Y1 vector (A′) coupling
g l 22 v gvl22 0.1 Muon-Y1 vector (A′) coupling
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2.2 Simplified Model

To study dark matter, we used Simplified Model (Morgante 2018). This model is minimally extended from the SM. It includes not only SM particles but also dark matter and mediators, including dark photons. The Simplified Model is located between the ultraviolet and the effective field theory models (Morgante 2018). Originally, this model was used for hadron collider experiments, including the LHC at European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Abdallah et al. 2015). However, we modified and utilized this model for electron-positron accelerators. Signal events were generated based on the model using MadGraph5 (Alwall et al. 2014).


In step 1, we generated events using MadGraph5 (Alwall et al. 2014). In event generation, physical parameters of the s and dark photon mass had to be scanned, which required a large amount of simulation. Therefore, events were efficiently generated by utilizing the KISTI-5 supercomputer (Park & Cho 2021a, b). In step 2, a detector simulation was performed using Delphes (de Favereau et al. 2014) as the fast simulation. When simulating the detector, Delphes cards (Delphes 2014) were used in each experiment. In step 3, the physical quantities were reconstructed using C++ code and ROOT (Brun & Rademakers 1997). Finally, in step 4, the histogram as a result of reconstruction were fitted with RooFit (Verkerke & Kirkby 2003) to obtain the expected number of signal events.


4.1 Center-of-Mass Energy Dependency of Cross-Section

Signal modes include parameters of s and dark photon mass, which affect cross-section. Therefore, it is necessary to investigate the cross-section according to s and dark photon mass. In this section, we scanned the cross-section for s. Table 3 lists the specification of the scan for center-of-mass energy. Fig. 3 shows the center-of-mass energy dependency of the cross-section in the decay mode of e+eAA′ (Park et al. 2022). Red vertical lines indicate individual s of accelerators. Cross-section increases as the s decreases.

Table 3. Specification of scan for center-of-mass energy
Specification Contents
No. of events 10,000
Event generator MadGraph5 ver. 2.6.6
Model The Simplified Model
Machine KISTI-5 supercomputer
Condition PTμ,PTγ0.01 GeV
s [GeV] [1, 9] in step size of 1
[10, 490] in step size of 10
[500, 3,000] in step size of 100
mA [GeV] 0.3
Decay width [GeV] 6.7 × 10−6
g l 11 v , g l 22 v 0.1
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Fig. 3. Center-of-mass energy dependency of the cross-section in the decay mode of e+eAA′ for mA = 0.3 GeV. ILC, International Linear Collider; FCC-ee, Future Circular Collider; CEPC, Circular Electron Positron Collider.
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4.2 The Dark Photon Mass Dependency of the Cross-Section

The cross-section was scanned for the dark photon mass from 0.25 to 500 GeV. Table 4 lists the specification of the scan for dark photon mass. Fig. 4 shows the dark photon mass dependency of the cross-section in the decay mode of e+eAA′ at each accelerator. As a result, we found dark photon mass with the largest cross-section at each accelerator energy. And then, we applied these dark photon masses to generate signal events for each experiment. Table 5 shows the dark photon masses of e+eAA′ decay mode with the maximum cross-section at each s.

Table 4. Specification of scan for dark photon mass
Specification Contents
No. of events 10,000
Event generator MadGraph5 ver. 2.6.6
Model Simplified Model
Machine KISTI-5 supercomputer
Condition PTμ,PTγ0.01 GeV
s [GeV] 0.02, 3.78, 10.58, 90, 160, 240, 250, 350, 380, 500, 1,000
mA [GeV] 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0, 2.5, 5.0, 7.5, 10.0, 25.0, 50.0, 75.0, 100.0, 150, 200, 250, 300, 350, 400, 450, 400, 450, 500
Decay width [GeV] 6.7 × 10−6
g l 11 v , g l 22 v 0.1
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Fig. 4. Dark photon mass dependency of the cross-section in the decay mode of e+eAA′ at each accelerator. FCC-ee, Future Circular Collider; CEPC, Circular Electron Positron Collider; ILC, International Linear Collider.
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Table 5. Dark photon masses (mA) which show the maximum cross-section for each s
Accelerator s [GeV] mA [GeV]
FCC-ee 91 (e+: 45.5, e: 45.5) 25
160 (e+: 80, e: 80) 75
250 (e+: 125, e: 125) 100
350 (e+: 175, e: 175) 150
CEPC 91 (e+: 45.5, e: 45.5) 25
160 (e+: 80, e: 80) 75
240 (e+: 120, e: 120) 100
ILC 250 (e+: 125, e: 125) 100
500 (e+: 250, e: 250) 200
1,000 (e+: 500, e: 500) 450

FCC-ee, Future Circular Collider; CEPC, Circular Electron Positron Collider; ILC, International Linear Collider.

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4.3 Generation and Reconstruction for the Given Dark Photon Masses

In the previous section, we found dark photon mass with the maximum cross-section for each accelerator. Using these dark photon masses, we performed generation and reconstruction for specific accelerators/detectors. Table 6 shows the specifications of event generation and reconstruction. The KISTI-5 supercomputer was used for event generation, while a local machine, Scientific Linux OS with 32 cores, was used for detector simulation, reconstruction, and fitting. Detector simulation was performed by applying Delphes cards (Delphes 2014) for each detector. Next, the physical quantities for dark photons were reconstructed using C++ and ROOT (Brun & Rademakers 1997). Finally, the invariant masses of the dark photons were fitted using RooFit (Verkerke & Kirkby 2003). Table 7 lists the reconstruction configuration of each accelerator/detector. Table 8 shows parameters of Delphes for each accelerator/detector. The difference of parameters among Delphes results in difference of detector efficiency (Delphes 2014).

Table 6. The specification of event generation and reconstruction
Specification Contents
Generation No. of events 1,000,000
Event generator MadGraph5 ver. 2.6.6
Model Simplified Model
Machine KISTI-5 supercomputer
Condition P T , μ , P T , γ 0.01 GeV
Decay width [GeV] 6.7 × 10–6
g l 11 v , g l 22 v 0.1
Reconstruction Detector simulation Delphes ver. 3.5.0
Analysis tool ROOT ver. 6.24.06
Machine Local machine
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Table 7. The reconstruction configuration for each accelerator/detector
Accelerator/detector s [GeV] mA [GeV] Delphes card (.tcl) (Delphes 2014)
CEPC/CEPC 91 (e+: 45.5, e: 45.5) 25 Delphes_card_CEPC
160 (e+: 80, e: 80) 75
240 (e+: 120, e: 120) 100
FCC-ee/IDEA 91 (e+: 45.5, e: 45.5) 25 Delphes_card_IDEA
160 (e+: 80, e: 80) 75
250 (e+: 125, e: 125) 100
350 (e+: 175, e: 175) 150
ILC/ILD 250 (e+: 125, e: 125) 100 Delphes_card_ILD
500 (e+: 250, e: 250) 200
1,000 (e+: 500, e: 500) 450

CEPC, Circular Electron Positron Collider; FCC-ee, Future Circular Collider; IDEA, Innovative Detector for Electron-positron Accelerator; ILC, International Linear Collider; ILD, International Large Detector.

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Table 8. Parameters of Delphes for each accelerator/detector
Accelerator/detector CEPC/CEPC (Delphes 2014) FCC-ee/IDEA (Delphes 2014) ILC/ILD (Delphes 2014)
Magnetic field (B)
 Radius [m] 1.81 2.25 1.8
 Half-length [m] 2.35 2.5 2.4
 B [T] 3.5 2.0 3.5
 Tracking condition of η |η| ≤ 3.0 |η| ≤ 3.0 |η| ≤ 2.4
 Tracking condition of pT [GeV] > 0.1 - > 0.1
 Tracking condition of E [GeV] - - -

CEPC, Circular Electron Positron Collider; FCC-ee, Future Circular Collider; IDEA, Innovative Detector for Electron-positron Accelerator; ILC, International Linear Collider; ILD, International Large Detector.

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Fig. 5 shows dark photon physical quantities at s=240 GeV (CEPC/CEPC), s=350 GeV (FCC-ee/IDEA) and at s=1,000 GeV (ILC/ILD). Each figure shows physical quantities of the invariant mass of two dark photons (MA1A2), the invariant mass of a dark photon (MA1), and the transverse momentum of a dark photon (pTA1) in the decay mode of e+eAA′ (Park et al. 2020). To find the muon pair that originates from the associated dark photon, we selected dark photons by choosing the least dark photon mass difference (Park et al. 2021). It reduces the random combinatorial background of μ+μ. The expected number of events has been obtained by fitting MA1A2 and MA1, MA2 with double Gaussian function for both decay mode of e+eAA′.

Fig. 5. Dark photon physical quantities at s=240 GeV (CEPC/CEPC), s=350 GeV (FCC-ee/IDEA) and s=1,000 GeV (ILC/ILD). CEPC, Circular Electron Positron Collider; FCC-ee, Future Circular Collider; IDEA, Innovative Detector for Electron-positron Accelerator; ILC, International Linear Collider; ILD, International Large Detector.
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The results show that the CEPC had the highest detector acceptance among the accelerators. Table 9 summarizes the detector efficiencies of the accelerators/detectors. The difference in the detector efficiencies was attributed to the different Delphes parameters. Fig. 6 shows the detector efficiencies of each accelerator/detector with decay mode of e+eAA′, respectively. These results show sensitivities of the physical potentials of the different electron-positron colliders.

Table 9. The summary of detector efficiency for each accelerator
Accelerator/detector s [GeV] mA [GeV] Detector efficiency [%]
CEPC/CEPC 91 (e+: 45.5, e: 45.5) 25 92.059 ± 0.148
160 (e+: 80, e: 80) 75 93.595 ± 0.140
240 (e+: 120, e: 120) 100 93.398 ± 0.161
FCC-ee/IDEA 91 (e+: 45.5, e: 45.5) 25 87.701 ± 0.094
160 (e+: 80, e: 80) 75 79.259 ± 0.089
250 (e+: 125, e: 125) 100 83.733 ± 0.092
350 (e+: 175, e: 175) 150 81.103 ± 0.091
ILC/ILD 250 (e+: 125, e: 125) 100 70.706 ± 0.142
500 (e+: 250, e: 250) 200 73.560 ± 0.086
1,000 (e+: 500, e: 500) 450 74.161 ± 0.086

CEPC, Circular Electron Positron Collider; FCC-ee, Future Circular Collider; IDEA, Innovative Detector for Electron-positron Accelerator; ILC, International Linear Collider; ILD, International Large Detector.

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Fig. 6. The detector efficiencies for each accelerator/detector. CEPC, Circular Electron Positron Collider; FCC-ee, Future Circular Collider; IDEA, Innovative Detector for Electron-positron Accelerator; ILC, International Linear Collider; ILD, International Large Detector.
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We studied the double dark photon modes of future electron-positron accelerators/detectors. The signal mode was e+eAA′, where A′ decaying into a muon pair. We studied sensitivities of double dark photon modes at CEPC/CEPC, FCC-ee/IDEA, and ILC/ILD using the parameterized response of the detector simulation of Delphes. For the generation study, we determined the dark photon mass dependency of the cross-section. We found the dark photon mass at which the cross-section was the highest for each experiment, and these dark photon masses were adapted for reconstruction. In the reconstruction study, we determined the expected number of signal events. Dark photons were selected by selecting the least dark photon mass difference to reduce the random combinatorial background. Finally, the detector efficiencies of each accelerator and detector were determined using Delphes. These results show sensitivities of the physical potentials of the different electron-positron colliders. The results can facilitate in identifying double dark photon mode in future electron-positron accelerators and detectors.


This study was supported by a National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) grant funded by the Korean government (MSIT) (No. 2021R1F1A1064008). This study was also supported by the major institutional R&D program, KISTI (No. K-23-L02-C04-S01) and National Supercomputing Center with supercomputing resources including technical support (KSC-2023-CHA-0005). A. Sytov acknowledges support by the European Commission through the H2020-MSCA-IF TRILLION project (GA. 101032975).



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